
Add Work Location

There are two ways of adding Work Locations:

{primary} Note: By default, the company address provided at the time of signup will be the default work location. You can add more work locations depending on your organization's locations.

Work Location In Company Settings:

Step 1:

Go to Administration--> Company Settings--> Company Tab--> Work Location--> Click on the Add New button.

Step 2:

On clicking on the Add New button, a popup will appear on the screen prompting you to fill the details.

Step 3:

Select the state from the "State" drop-down list and enter the Work Location city in the "City" field.

Step 4:

After adding the state and the city details, click on the Save button to save the Work Location details.

Step 5:

On clicking on the Save button, a message appears prompting you that the work location is successfully added and you can view the new work location in the work locations list.

Work Location In Create Employee:

Step 1:

Go to Employees --> New Employee

Step 2:

By clicking on the submenu "New Employee" Create Employee page will appear on the screen.

Step 3:

Click on the + icon next to the ‘Work Location’ field. On clicking on the + icon, the Work Locations popup will appear on the screen.

You can click on the Show List link to view the list of available work locations.

Step 4:

Select the state from the "State" drop-down list and enter the Work Location city in the "City" field.

Step 5:

After adding the state and the city details, click on the Save button to save the work Location details.

Step 6:

On clicking on the Save button, a message appears prompting you that the work location is successfully added.

Step 7:

On closing the popup, you will be directed back to 'Create Employee' screen where you can see the added work location is prefilled in the "Work Location" drop-down.

{primary} You can also see that the added work location is listed under the Company Setting--> Company Tab -->Work Location.