Step 1:
Go to Administration -> Company Settings -> Click on Expense Tab.
On click on expense tab you can see the Expense Types and Expense Policy Tabs.
Step 2:
To create a new expense type , click on the ‘Add New’ button in Expense Types Tab.
For all the companies who are using expenses, default expense types will be displayed here.
And for the new signup companies or companies which are not using expenses, provided an option to add expense types in this screen.
Only these expense types will be displayed while assigning expense types to a particular policy.
Each company cannot create more than 15 expense types.
Step 1:
Go to Administration -> Company Settings -> Click on Expense Tab.
On click on expense tab you can see the Expense Types and Expense Policy Tabs.
Step 2:
To create new expense policy, click on the Expense Policy Tab and then click on ‘Add New’ button.
Step 3:
On clicking on the ‘Add Expense’ button a popup form to capture the details of the expense will be displayed. Enter all the required details and click on the ‘Save’ button to create the expense policy.
An expense policy can be made inactive only when that policy is not assigned to any employee.
When an expense policy is in inactive status then there is no option to update the policy details and there is no option to assign expense types to that policy.
When the rules for any expense type are updated, then the updated rules will not be reflected in the approved employee expenses and changes will be reflected in the pending expenses only when they are updated.
Each company cannot create more than 10 expense policies.
Click on Expense Tab, then you can able to see Expense Types and Expense Policy Tabs.
Step 1:
Now Click on a policy name, then an Expense modal will be displayed with 2 tabs/steps.
-> In 1st Tab you can assign/view/update expense types for the selected expense policy.
-> In 2nd Tab you can assign employees to the expense policy.
Step 2:
Click on the ‘Assign’ button in the 1st tab a popup form to capture the rules of the expense type will be displayed. Enter all the required details and click on the ‘Save’ button to assign the expense type to the selected policy.
Amount Limit: User can add max limit amount for an expense for the month or year.
For example: If an expense is given with amount limit 10,000 per month then an employee cannot create that expense beyond the amount limit 10,000 for a month.
No. of Claims: User can add number of instances for an expense for the month or year.
For example: If an expense is given with a number of instances 3 per month, then an employee cannot create that expense more than 3 instances for a particular month.
Expense Expiration in Days: User can select YES or NO for Expense Expiration in Days.
If ‘YES’ is selected, then a “Expiration days” field will be displayed to enter the expiration days count.
For example: If an expense is given 30 days as expiration days then the employee cannot create an expense prior to 30 days.
If ‘No’ is selected, then there will be no expiration days limit for employees to create expenses.
Do you require receipt for expense: User can add whether the receipt is required or not for a particular expense.
Step 1:
By Clicking on a policy name a popup will be opened with 2 tabs/steps.
Step 2:
Go to the 2nd step to assign employees by clicking on “Continue” button which is displayed at the bottom-right corner in 1st step.
On click on ‘Continue’ button, 2nd step will be displayed with the Employees in Policy grid.
Now click on ‘Assign Employees’ button to assign employees to the policy.
Step 3:
On clicking ‘Assign Employees’ button, a popup will be shown with dropdown of Active Employees.
On selecting and clicking on the Assign button the employee will be assigned to that policy.
Step 1:
By Clicking on a policy name a popup will be opened with 2 tabs/steps.
In 1st Tab you can see list of expense types in the policy.
Step 2:
Now click on the delete icon of the expense type which you want to remove from the expense policy.
Step 3:
Then a popup will be shown with confirmation message. Click on the ‘Remove’ button to remove the expense type from policy.
{primary} Note: Expense Type can’t be removed from the Expense policy when there are Draft/Rejected/Submitted/Scheduled status Expenses.
Step 1:
Go to Employees -> View Employees
Now select the required employee for whom you want to Unassign the expense policy.
Step 2:
On click on Employee, the details of that employee will be displayed.
Now click on the burger menu to view the Edit and Void options. Now click on the Edit button.
Step 3:
Then an edit form will be shown. In that form you can change the expense policy to the employee or you can unassign the existing policy to that employee.
Step 4:
After changes done, click on the Save button to reflect the changes made.