
Allowances/Deductions Import

{primary} Allowances/Deductions import can be done only when payroll is in Draft status.

Import Allowances:

{primary} Note: Only 100 employees Allowances/Deductions can be imported at a time.

Step 1: Go to Payroll--> Payroll Summary--> Click on Draft status payroll

Step 2: Click on Import Allowances/Deductions button and select Import Allowances. When you click on the Import Allowances button a popup with sample file appears.

Step 3: Click on Download button. When you click on the Download button a sample excel sheet will be downloaded.

Step 4: Open the Excel file that you just downloaded. There is a total of 10 employee allowances related columns. It is recommended to fill in allowances amounts for the employee ID(s) that User is going to add.

{info} Employee ID(s) can't be empty. At least one of the allowances of an employee should be there in the file to be imported.

Step 5: Once you are done with adding the allowances you want to import, save the file. Click on the Choose File button on the previous screen.

Step 6: Choose the file that was just updated with allowances to upload it to Sumopayroll application.

Step 7: Click on Import Allowance button to import the uploaded file containing the allowances.

Step 8: Map the Excel fields to Sumopayroll Allowance fields and click on Next button to continue.

Step 9: User can review all the employee allowances amounts that are being imported.

Step 10: A Confirmation message will be displayed to the User upon successful import of allowances and the User will be directed to Payroll Draft page.

Import Deductions:

Step 1: Go to Payroll--> Payroll Summary--> Click on Draft status payroll

Step 2: Click on Import Allowances/Deductions button and select Import Deductions. When you click on the Import Deductions button a popup with sample file appears.

Step 3: Click on Download button. When you click on the Download button a sample excel sheet will be downloaded.

Step 4: Open the Excel file that you just downloaded. There is a total of 10 employee deductions related columns. It is recommended to fill in deductions amounts for the employee ID(s) that User is going to add.

{info} Employee ID(s) can't be empty. At least one of the deductions of an employee should be there in the file to be imported.

Step 5: Once you are done with adding the deductions you want to import, save the file. Click on the Choose File button on the previous screen.

Step 6: Choose the file that was just updated with deductions to upload it to Sumopayroll application.

Step 7: Click on Import Deduction button to import the uploaded file containing the deductions.

Step 8: Map the Excel fields to Sumopayroll Deduction fields and click on Next button to continue.

Step 9: User can review all the employee deductions amounts that are being imported.

Step 10: A Confirmation message will be displayed to the User upon successful import of deductions and the User will be directed to Payroll Draft page.