Missing Timesheets are two ways:
Step 1:
Go to Time & Attendance--> Timesheets--> Missing Timesheets
Step 2:
On clicking on the submenu "Missing Timesheets", Missing From Me Timesheets grid will appear on the screen.
Step 3:
In this grid you can view the list of the Weekends for which you missed to enter the timesheets.
Step 4:
By default this month records will be shown. If you want previous month or previous quarter or previous records then change the filters in Advanced Search and click on "Apply" button. Then you can view the records based on your selected filters.
Step 1:
Go to Time & Attendance--> Timesheets--> Missing Timesheets
Step 2:
On clicking on the submenu "Missing Timesheets", by default Missing From Me Timesheets grid will appear on the screen. Click on Missing in Company button to view the missing timesheets of the employees of your company/organisation.
Step 3:
You can check all the timesheets are missed in your company in this grid.
Step 4:
By default this month records will be shown. If you want previous month or previous quarter or previous records then change the filters in Advanced Search and click on "Apply" button. Then you can view the records based on your selected filters.