
Holiday Policies

Step 1:

Go to Administration -> Company Settings -> Click on Leave & Holiday Policies tab.

Step 2:

All the Holiday Policies that are listed during the Account Set up will be displayed in the Holiday Policies grid.

Step 3:

Click on Holiday Policies.

Creating New Holiday Policy:

Step 4:

Click On “Add New” button.

Step 5:

On click on the “Add New” button Holiday Policy popup will be displayed.

Step 6:

Enter the Policy name and Policy Description and click on “Save” button to create the Holiday policy.

Step 7:

On click on the “Save” button, a confirmation message is displayed in the popup.

Step 8:

Click on the “Close” button or ‘X’ to close the popup window.

Step 9:

On closing the popup the Holiday Policy grid will be displayed with the newly created holiday policy listed in the grid with Active status.

{primary} Note: You can create upto 3 Holiday policies only.

Adding Holidays for Holiday Policy:

Step 1:

Go to Administration -> Company Settings -> Click on Leave & Holiday Policies tab.

Step 2:

Click on any holiday policy for which you want to add holidays. Selected holiday policy popup will be displayed.

Step 3:

Select the respective year for which you want to add holidays and click on Add New button as shown in the below image.

Step 4:

On clicking "Add New" button "Add Holiday" popup will be displayed.

Step 5:

In that enter holiday name and select the holiday date and click on Save button.

Step 6:

On clicking Save button a confirmation message is displayed on the popup.

Step 7:

On closing the popup the Holiday grid will be displayed with the newly created holiday listed in the grid with Active status.

Assigning Employees to holiday policy from View Employees:

Step 1:

Go to Employees -> View Employees

Step 2:

Click on the employee name to whom you want to assign the holiday policy.

Step 3:

On clicking on the employee name in the grid, the employee details will be opened on the screen.

Step 4:

Click on the burger menu as shown in the following screenshot.

Step 5:

On click on the burger menu, the employee details popup will be displayed on the screen.

Step 6:

Scroll down and select the holiday policy from the Holiday Policy drop-down.

Step 7:

After selecting the holiday policy from the drop-down,click on “Save” button to assign the holiday policy to the employee.

Step 8:

On click on “Save” button a confirmation is displayed in the popup.

Step 9:

Click on “Close” button to close the popup-window.

Step 10:

On Closing the popup, you can view the employees details with the holiday policy assigned to the employee.

Assigning Employees to holiday policy from Bulk Update:

Step 1:

Go to Employees -> View Employees

Step 2:

Check the checkbox of an employee for whom you want to update the holiday policy."

Step 3:

Click on Actions button and then select Bulk Update as shown in the below image.

Step 4:

Select the holiday policy in the respective dropdown and click on Save button.

Step 5:

On clicking “Save” button a confirmation message is displayed on the page.